2024 ENAF/Sigma Grant Application
Opens Jul 1 2024 12:00 PM (CDT)
Deadline Aug 30 2024 12:00 PM (CDT)

The ENA Foundation and Sigma Theta Tau International, Inc. (Sigma) have combined resources to offer this annual research grant. This research grant provides funding for research that will advance the specialized practice of emergency nursing.  All relevant research topics will be considered.  Priority will be given to research studies relating to the Emergency Nurses Association research initiatives.  

Application Deadline:                   August 9, 2024 ***DEADLINE EXTENDED TO AUGUST 30TH***

Maximum Amount Awarded:      Up to $6,000Recipient Notification:                 Mid October 2024Final Report due:                           December 1, 2025

Eligibility Criteria:  The principal investigator must: 

Be a registered nurse with a master’s degree.  Team members may be from other disciplines or nurses without master’s degrees.Submit a complete application with signed research agreement.Be ready to or have already started the research project.At least one applicant should have previous research experience and knowledge of the research process.The current members of the ENA Board of Directors, ENA Foundation Board of Trustees, Sigma Theta Tau International and Sigma Foundation for Nursing board members as well as the individuals that have served in such positions in the immediate past three (3) years and the spouses and children* of all such individuals are ineligible to apply for a scholarship.Current members of the ENA Foundation Research Grant Selection Committee can not apply. 

*For purposes of eligibility, “children” are defined as natural, legally adopted, stepchildren or grandchildren.

Funding:  This research grant is co-funded by the ENA Foundation and Sigma Theta Tau International, Inc. (Sigma).  Funds are not available for: completed research, development of a research proposal, investigator salary, travel expenses, conference registration, indirect costs, computer equipment and other technological devices, software, fax machine expenses. An itemized budget and budget justification must accompany each grant proposal. 

Preference will be given to applicants who are members of both ENA and Sigma.  Preference will also be given to research topics relating to the following research initiatives:

Research Initiatives:

Boarding (Boarded patient care guidelines, Throughput, ED crowding/overcrowding)Workplace violence prevention/intervention strategiesNurse wellbeing (Burnout, Healthy work environment, i.e., total worker health)Appropriate use of ED/public education on when to use EDNew graduates in the ED/training new graduate nurses + Length of orientationMental health care/behavioral health – Adult & PediatricDisaster trainingDEI – diversity, equity, inclusion/bias and discrimination

Application Procedure:                 

Applications must be submitted through the online system at https://ena.smapply.io/ . An account must be created with SurveyMonkey Apply in order to submit an application. All accompanying materials must also be submitted via SurveyMonkey Apply as PDF documents.  Applications must include: signed and dated application formnames and qualifications of co-investigators (if applicable).biographical sketchproject narrativestudy budget and budget justificationAll questions must be answered. Incomplete applications cannot be submitted for review. It is the responsibility of the applicant to submit a completed application and all supporting materials by the posted deadline.  Please submit only completed applications via the ENA Foundation SurveyMonkey Apply system by August 9, 2024 at 12:00 p.m. (central standard time).  Applications received after the deadline will not be reviewed.  

Review Process:

All completed applications will be submitted for review, by a designated review panel.Allocation of funds is based on the quality of the research proposal and researcher qualifications.Applicants will be notified of the panel's decision after the notification deadline. Re-submission of applications will be accepted upon receipt of a completed proposal including any revisions suggested by the review panel.Duplicate funding is not permissible.  However, supplemental funding from other organizations is permissible, as long as funds are not used to pay for the same item twice. IRB approval must be on file with the ENA Foundation prior to the awarding of monies.  If IRB does not exist at the institution, the ENA Foundation reserves the right to protect such interests.If an investigator leaves the institution, the ENA Foundation must be notified in writing.If the study is not completed, any unused funds must be returned to the ENA Foundation unless there is a clear plan to continue the study.  This plan must be submitted in writing to ENA Foundation.The final $500 of the grant award will be disbursed, if owed, after the final report has been submitted to the ENA Foundation.  Final report must be submitted 60 days following the 12-month grant funding period.  

Reports and Publications:            

Mention of the funding source “ENA Foundation and Sigma Theta Tau International, Inc. (Sigma)” is required in all publications and presentations.A copy of any publications based on this work must be submitted to the ENA Foundation.  The investigator is required to give the right of first refusal to the Journal of Emergency Nursing for publication of the research. Investigator is encouraged to submit for abstract poster presentations at the ENA Annual Meeting.  Please forward a copy of any articles, presentations and published information regarding the study to the ENA Foundation at the ENA national office. If a recipient changes affiliation, ceases research in the field for which the grant was made, or if the primary investigator changes, the remaining recipients must submit a report indicating a plan for continuation of the research.  The ENA Foundation will then determine if funding will continue to be provided.


Proposal Narrative Specific aims/hypothesis/research questionsSignificance to nursing in emergency care areasRationale supporting need for studyReview of research literatureFramework for the StudyMethods (design, subjects, setting, instruments with validity and reliability, procedures, data analysis, time frame of project)Conclusions and ImplicationsAppendices – including those applicable; if instruments are used, they must be included.CV or resumeInstruments/questionnairesInstitutional Review Board Approval (when available)Mentor, preceptor, consultant informationLetters of support

Recommendations for Consultation:  If you are not an experienced researcher, but you are interested in conducting nursing research in emergency care areas, it is strongly advised that you seek consultation from a nursing research expert in your local area. In addition, before completing an application, it is strongly suggested that all applicants review the ENA Research guide “Developing and Submitting a Research Grant Proposal" which provides guidelines on how to complete a qualified grant application.

Questions?  Please direct any questions to the ENA Foundation at 847-460-4100 or ena.foundation@ena.org.

2024 ENAF/Sigma Grant Application

The ENA Foundation and Sigma Theta Tau International, Inc. (Sigma) have combined resources to offer this annual research grant. This research grant provides funding for research that will advance the specialized practice of emergency nursing.  All relevant research topics will be considered.  Priority will be given to research studies relating to the Emergency Nurses Association research initiatives.  

Application Deadline:                   August 9, 2024 ***DEADLINE EXTENDED TO AUGUST 30TH***

Maximum Amount Awarded:      Up to $6,000Recipient Notification:                 Mid October 2024Final Report due:                           December 1, 2025

Eligibility Criteria:  The principal investigator must: 

Be a registered nurse with a master’s degree.  Team members may be from other disciplines or nurses without master’s degrees.Submit a complete application with signed research agreement.Be ready to or have already started the research project.At least one applicant should have previous research experience and knowledge of the research process.The current members of the ENA Board of Directors, ENA Foundation Board of Trustees, Sigma Theta Tau International and Sigma Foundation for Nursing board members as well as the individuals that have served in such positions in the immediate past three (3) years and the spouses and children* of all such individuals are ineligible to apply for a scholarship.Current members of the ENA Foundation Research Grant Selection Committee can not apply. 

*For purposes of eligibility, “children” are defined as natural, legally adopted, stepchildren or grandchildren.

Funding:  This research grant is co-funded by the ENA Foundation and Sigma Theta Tau International, Inc. (Sigma).  Funds are not available for: completed research, development of a research proposal, investigator salary, travel expenses, conference registration, indirect costs, computer equipment and other technological devices, software, fax machine expenses. An itemized budget and budget justification must accompany each grant proposal. 

Preference will be given to applicants who are members of both ENA and Sigma.  Preference will also be given to research topics relating to the following research initiatives:

Research Initiatives:

Boarding (Boarded patient care guidelines, Throughput, ED crowding/overcrowding)Workplace violence prevention/intervention strategiesNurse wellbeing (Burnout, Healthy work environment, i.e., total worker health)Appropriate use of ED/public education on when to use EDNew graduates in the ED/training new graduate nurses + Length of orientationMental health care/behavioral health – Adult & PediatricDisaster trainingDEI – diversity, equity, inclusion/bias and discrimination

Application Procedure:                 

Applications must be submitted through the online system at https://ena.smapply.io/ . An account must be created with SurveyMonkey Apply in order to submit an application. All accompanying materials must also be submitted via SurveyMonkey Apply as PDF documents.  Applications must include: signed and dated application formnames and qualifications of co-investigators (if applicable).biographical sketchproject narrativestudy budget and budget justificationAll questions must be answered. Incomplete applications cannot be submitted for review. It is the responsibility of the applicant to submit a completed application and all supporting materials by the posted deadline.  Please submit only completed applications via the ENA Foundation SurveyMonkey Apply system by August 9, 2024 at 12:00 p.m. (central standard time).  Applications received after the deadline will not be reviewed.  

Review Process:

All completed applications will be submitted for review, by a designated review panel.Allocation of funds is based on the quality of the research proposal and researcher qualifications.Applicants will be notified of the panel's decision after the notification deadline. Re-submission of applications will be accepted upon receipt of a completed proposal including any revisions suggested by the review panel.Duplicate funding is not permissible.  However, supplemental funding from other organizations is permissible, as long as funds are not used to pay for the same item twice. IRB approval must be on file with the ENA Foundation prior to the awarding of monies.  If IRB does not exist at the institution, the ENA Foundation reserves the right to protect such interests.If an investigator leaves the institution, the ENA Foundation must be notified in writing.If the study is not completed, any unused funds must be returned to the ENA Foundation unless there is a clear plan to continue the study.  This plan must be submitted in writing to ENA Foundation.The final $500 of the grant award will be disbursed, if owed, after the final report has been submitted to the ENA Foundation.  Final report must be submitted 60 days following the 12-month grant funding period.  

Reports and Publications:            

Mention of the funding source “ENA Foundation and Sigma Theta Tau International, Inc. (Sigma)” is required in all publications and presentations.A copy of any publications based on this work must be submitted to the ENA Foundation.  The investigator is required to give the right of first refusal to the Journal of Emergency Nursing for publication of the research. Investigator is encouraged to submit for abstract poster presentations at the ENA Annual Meeting.  Please forward a copy of any articles, presentations and published information regarding the study to the ENA Foundation at the ENA national office. If a recipient changes affiliation, ceases research in the field for which the grant was made, or if the primary investigator changes, the remaining recipients must submit a report indicating a plan for continuation of the research.  The ENA Foundation will then determine if funding will continue to be provided.


Proposal Narrative Specific aims/hypothesis/research questionsSignificance to nursing in emergency care areasRationale supporting need for studyReview of research literatureFramework for the StudyMethods (design, subjects, setting, instruments with validity and reliability, procedures, data analysis, time frame of project)Conclusions and ImplicationsAppendices – including those applicable; if instruments are used, they must be included.CV or resumeInstruments/questionnairesInstitutional Review Board Approval (when available)Mentor, preceptor, consultant informationLetters of support

Recommendations for Consultation:  If you are not an experienced researcher, but you are interested in conducting nursing research in emergency care areas, it is strongly advised that you seek consultation from a nursing research expert in your local area. In addition, before completing an application, it is strongly suggested that all applicants review the ENA Research guide “Developing and Submitting a Research Grant Proposal" which provides guidelines on how to complete a qualified grant application.

Questions?  Please direct any questions to the ENA Foundation at 847-460-4100 or ena.foundation@ena.org.

Jul 1 2024 12:00 PM (CDT)
Aug 30 2024 12:00 PM (CDT)

Awards for 2020